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Cheer Conduct

Cheer Conduct

  • Promoting good sportsmanship by way of example is required at all times. Members must not use foul language at practices, in school, at games, camp or competitions, etc.
  • Excessive public display of affection is not appropriate, especially in uniform, at games or in school setting.
  • Proper appearance is required at all times, with clothing appropriate to the occasion.
  • By being part of the cheerleading squad, you are accepting the fact that your actions are more prominent than those not associated with such an activity. Because of this, exemplary behavior is mandatory at all times, anywhere in the community and at all school functions where you are a representative of Lakewood Middle School.
  • Members must cooperate and respect all faculty members, squad members, game officials and coaches.
  • Cheerleaders must display proper behavior in class, including being on time, not skipping and not cheating.
  • Each case of discipline will be judged individually. The advisor/coach, with the assistance of the administration if deemed necessary, has the final decision in any discipline situation.
  • Every attempt will be made to discipline fairly/equally, and to make consequences of actions known ahead of time. Parents will be kept informed of problem situations. Severity of, or repeated offenses may dictate harsher action.